
Featured Bouquets

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$51.99 $42.99
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Mixed Color Bouquet
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$54.99 $42.99
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$54.99 $43.99
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Thinking Of You
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$54.50 $43.99
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Deal Of The Day Bouquet
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$56.50 $44.99
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$58.99 $45.99
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Deliciously Special flowers
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$53.99 $45.99
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Sweet Orange
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$56.99 $48.99
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Savannah Bouquet
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$64.99 $54.99
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Succession Bouquet Premium
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$66.99 $59.99
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Can’t get her out of your mind? Eager to be with someone special? Longing to be “home” again? That companionship, intimacy, or connection that you’re craving is normal. When we’re away from people we hold so dear in our hearts, it can be tough and lonely. But there are many ways to keep the connection going and make the pain of their absence a little more bearable.

Keep in touch with loved ones far away and let them know you’re missing them a little extra with a surprise flower gift. Lily’s Florist can help you get your Miss You bouquets delivered anywhere in the U.S.

Shop Missing You Flowers Online at Lily’s Florist

When dropping a visit is impossible and calling them on the phone is too common and already expected, you can use the language of flowers to communicate your longing uniquely and creatively. Shop at Lily’s Florist for expressive “I Miss You” flower gifts. Schedule a flower delivery today and let your unexpected blooming gift deliver your message of longing and love. Your fresh flower gift will make a beautiful reminder for the recipient that she’s important and a constant need in your heart.

Let her know you miss her presence and let her know you value the closeness you share through a surprise Miss You flower gift.

Saying “I Miss You” in the Language of Flowers

In floriography, several flowers depict longing. These “I miss you” flowers can effortlessly break the distance between you and the one you love.

Stargazer Lilies. The ultimate flower of lining and yearning. Because the flower opens towards the sky as if gazing at faraway stars, this blossom perfectly depicts just how you feel when missing someone – loving and waiting from a distance.

Sweetheart Roses.  The delicate beauty and understated elegance of sweetheart roses convey the message “I miss you.” These miniature roses that look attractive in full bloom and even in bud form can sweetly communicate your desire to be with the one you love. 

Zinnia. A flower that communicates affection, the demure-looking zinnia is also a great flower to express how much you miss someone. Zinnia can be a flower of friendship, romantic love, or remembrance. Send a flower arrangement with zinnias to your best friend to let her know she’s still the sister of your soul. Send a zinnia bouquet to your special someone to remind her of your love that won’t fade away. You can also honor a loved one who has passed with a zinnia flower arrangement that shows you still carry her memory in your heart.

Send Miss You Flower Gifts Today

Order “I Miss You” flower gifts online at Lily’s Florist and allow us to help you bridge the distance between you and those you love. Use the beauty and unique language of our fresh flowers to connect, reconnect, or strengthen bonds. Shop right now and send a Missing You flower gift today. For same-day delivery, don’t forget to order before 2 PM Monday to Friday and before 10 Am Saturday. 
