
Featured Flowers

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Designers Choice Bouquet
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$53.99 $39.99
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$51.99 $42.99
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Mixed Color Bouquet
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$54.99 $42.99
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Deal Of The Day Bouquet
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$56.50 $44.99
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Deliciously Special flowers
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$53.99 $45.99
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Sweet Orange
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$56.99 $48.99
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$57.50 $54.99
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Savannah Bouquet
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$64.99 $54.99
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Same Day Delivery

In times when someone important to us is sick in the hospital or recovering from a severe illness, we cannot help but feel worried and helpless because we can’t be by their side in such a challenging time. It could be because of any reason that keeps us from heading to the hospital so we can say some comforting words to a person who needs all the love and affection to get well.

Lily’s Florist is not new to these scenarios, day-in, day-out in our transactions, we always hear stories like these and such circumstances inspire us more to create wonderful flower arrangements that can accurately depict a genuine hope for recovery and positivity.

Our Get Well Flowers here at Lily’s Florist have been specially designed to shed some light in the four corners of a recovery room either in the hospital or at home. These are not any random designs, our florists really made sure that in every flower bouquet, there will be an effervescent appeal where optimism and warmth can come from.

We offer same day delivery to both homes and hospitals. If you want flowers to be delivered to the hospital, let us know of the hospital and patient details and we will be the one to hand-deliver your get well wishes to your recipient.  We can also deliver it to your own home if you wish to bring the flowers personally to the patient.

Lily’s Florist is also very hands-on when it comes to the flowers you order. If your recipient might have some pollen allergies, feel free to tell us so we can recommend floral arrangements which are safe and hypo-allergenic. We also have extra items you can send with the flowers for added affection like teddy bears and perky mylar balloons.

Flowers are quite synonymous with the phrase “Get Well Soon.” Here is a list of moments when you can utter these words at the same time give some breath of fresh air through flowers to a sick loved one or a recovering friend.

Feeling under the weather

No one is healthy all the time, all of us get periods of being sick one time or another. Be a natural antidote to your friend who has been battling an illness for quite some time now. Send some love on her bedside table with Lily’s Florist’s Get Well Bouquet.

Emotional turmoil

When pain is in the heart, flowers can serve as a cheery companion to give reassurance to a depressed loved one or an anxious colleague. Words are sometimes too risky to say, so express your concern through flowers. Our Bunny Cuddles bouquet will offer some bunny floral hugs to those who need a warm embrace, assuring them they are not alone.

When a person is undergoing treatment

There will be points in our life when we will encounter someone who needs to undergo a long-term medical treatment in order to recover. It can be a family member, a friend, or a colleague but what we know for certain is that it can take a lot of courage to go through such difficult phase. While we cannot change the circumstances for them, it is a possibility that we can make it better with flowers. Don’t Worry Be Happy get well flowers by Lily’s Florist is a perfect arrangement to encourage your recipient to keep on going and keep on fighting.

Recovering and getting better

This is probably the best option you would always want to make. When your family or friend is already well and brought home to recover fully, make a grand welcome and decorate their room with their favorite flowers, one on the bedside table, one by the window, and a small one in the comfort room. We have Blooming Basket, Designer’s Delight, and A Little Caribbean to help you with the selection.

Aside from our goal to give you fresh, sweet-smelling, vibrant flowers, Lily’s Florist also aims to build and preserve relationships through flowers. Making someone smile is easy but it is easier when it’s done with flowers.

Lily’s Florist Get Well Flowers can be viewed and ordered in our website. Peruse through our shop and feel free to contact us for any product and delivery inquiries. 

Share the love, make someone feel better. Order flowers now from Lily’s Florist.
