
Westminster Florist Delivery Daily

Look no further than Lily’s Florist Westminster. We’re dedicated to providing amazing flower gifts using only fresh cut blooms that we’d proudly display in our own homes. Our easy online flowers shopping experience allows you to select from a wide variety of flower gifts, perfect for any occasion. Order before 1 PM on weekdays for same-day flowers delivery and let us help you make someone’s day extra special with a beautiful bouquet delivered right to their door. Don't forget you can call us to order on 800 946-5457.

Looking for an online flower shop that provides beautiful, fresh flowers consistently and reliably? You’ve come to the right place. Lily’s Florist Westminster is committed to providing our customers with absolutely amazing flower gifts. We only use fresh cut blooms that we’d be happy to display in our very own homes and send to our own family and friends. We are fully aware that there’s a deeper reason behind sending a flower gift and we want to be part of fulfilling that reason.

Easy Online Flower Shopping at Lily’s Florist Westminster

Shop today and get a gorgeous flower gift for someone you care about. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or you simply intend to make a loved one feel extra special, our flowers make the perfect gifts.

Buying flowers online at Lily’s Florist Westminster is so safe, easy, and convenient. You can shop by occasion, flower type, or bouquet color. We offer a wide selection of fresh flower gifts to cater to every occasion, every flower gifting reason. Our mixed flower bouquets are perfect for cheering someone up while our lavender rose medley is best for expressing admiration or gratitude.

Flowers & Gifts Hand-Delivered by Local Westminster Florist

We have get well flowers, bouquets with chocolates, flowers with a teddy bear, potted plants, and sympathy flower arrangements. Looking for a good flower deal? Get up to 10% discount on selected flower arrangements. Our everyday best-priced Deal of the Day Bouquet is a fine choice when you want to treat someone to a gorgeous ensemble of handpicked blossoms.

Every flower gift that comes out of our store is prepared by hand by a local Westminster florist. We’ve teamed up with only the most reputable Westminster florists to provide you with topnotch flower delivery service. Our partner florist nearest to your delivery address will handle the preparation and delivery of your chosen bouquet or floral arrangement. This ensures that the floral ensemble will arrive fresh and on time.

Express Same Day Delivery to Westminster CA

When you order from Lily’s Florist Westminster, you’re assured of flawless blooms with sturdy stems, healthy leaves, and vividly colored petals. Our florists carefully select each stem of flower and creatively arrange them into not just an impressive floral display but also to a meaningful one.

Order now and see for yourself why many choose Lily’s Florist Westminster. We have a same-day flower delivery service applicable to orders placed before 2PM Monday to Friday. Surprise someone you love today with her favorite blooms! Your unexpected gift is guaranteed to make a big impact.