Ready to go the extra mile to bring you the finest blooms are our Oakland florists. Shop today at Lily’s Florist and see how our floral creations reflect our florists’ dedication to their craft.
We offer a wide selection of fresh flowers gifts for different celebrations and for expressing different sentiments. Bold and vivid birthday bouquets, romantic rose arrangements, get-well flower gifts, I’m sorry flowers – find all of these and a whole lot more at Lily’s Florist Oakland.
When choosing a birthday flower gift, you have plenty of options. You can get your loved one’s favorite flower or a bouquet in her favorite color. You can also consider her birth flower. Just like birthstones and zodiac signs, certain flowers correspond to each month of the year. For January-borns, get a bouquet highlighted by carnations. It’s violet and primrose for February, daffodil for March, daisy and sweet pea for April, and lily of the valley for May. Get your June-born loved one a rose bouquet for her birthday, delphinium for July, gladiolus for August, and aster for September. Marigold and cosmos are the birth flowers for October. Chrysanthemum is November’s birth flower and narcissus and holly are for December.
Another delightful option is a plant gift; it’s one that lasts longer and delivers a more lasting impact.
Easily order flowers and gifts for all other occasions online at Lily’s Florist Oakland. Shop by occasion, flower type, or color and quickly find the perfect present. You can add extras like chocolates and balloons, a glass vase, or a teddy bear with any floral ensemble.
You can set a delivery date in advance or at the last-minute. Just make sure your order is placed before 2 PM local time for same-day delivery Monday to Friday. We have to receive your order before 10 AM for Saturday same-day delivery.
High Quality Flowers from Lily’s Florist Oakland
You won’t have a hard time finding a heartwarming gift here at Lily’s Florist Oakland. Designed with keen attention to detail, our floral arrangements display freshness and beauty that will surely catch eyes. Prepared with care by experienced local florists, our creations look impressive and expressive at the same time.
So, when you need a gift that will mark an occasion and make a statement, just shop for flowers at Lily’s Florist Oakland.