
Monterey Florist Delivery Daily

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Designers Choice Bouquet
Save 26%
$53.99 $39.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 17%
$51.99 $42.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 20%
$54.99 $43.99
Same Day Delivery
Sweet Orange
Save 14%
$56.99 $48.99
Same Day Delivery
Lilac surprise flowers bouquet
Save 16%
$50.99 $42.99
Same Day Delivery
Deliciously Special flowers
Save 15%
$53.99 $45.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Mixed Color Bouquet
Save 22%
$54.99 $42.99
Same Day Delivery
Save 22%
$58.99 $45.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Succession Bouquet Premium
Save 10%
$66.99 $59.99

Same Day Flower Delivery in Monterey CA

Flowers are about more than words, and the maximum value of fresh flowers with that special personal service, imagination and care have set California’s Lily’s Monterey Florist apart from other florists.

3 Reasons To Use Lily's Florist 

  1. Exquisite Floral Arrangements: Lily's Florist Monterey prides itself in creating artistic and captivating flower arrangements tailored to customers' preferences. Their florists are skilled artisans who craft each bouquet with precision and creativity, ensuring every flower selection truly expresses the sentiment it's meant to convey.
  2. Personalized Customer Service: Whether you're a frequent shopper or using their services for a single occasion, Lily's Florist Monterey offers personalized, attentive service to all customers. They take the time to understand the recipient's personality and the occasion for the floral gift, providing individualized service for a truly customized experience.
  3. Quality and Freshness: Lily's Florist Monterey is committed to using only the freshest flowers sourced from local growers, ensuring your bouquet stays vibrant and beautiful for longer. If customers require something truly exotic or out of season, they also have global connections to meet those needs, indicating their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Lily’s Monterey Florist is always there for when lyrics don’t quite say enough. Flowers charm the senses of sight, smell and touch; and Lily’s Monterey Florist styles them to your taste. A floral arrangement will boost and energize the people you love and care about.

Best Florist in Monterey CA

The staff at Lily’s Monterey Florist is prudently chosen to significantly appeal to a broad range of ages and specialties. They are all skillful florists who adore providing stylish, creative resolutions for their customers. Don’t be amazed if they enquire about the event and perhaps the persona or sensitivity of the lucky recipient of your floral arrangement. It’s all about attaining your purchase correctly. And whether you’re one of their consistent ‘high-profile’ customers, or perhaps it’s just a fleeting occasion, you’ll still get the same focused individual service.

Experience the Charm and Inspiration at Lily’s Monterey Florist

Do you know that a visit to Lily’s Monterey Florist will be an experience? Continually progressing displays offer gorgeous decorating concepts that include foliage for inspiration and pleasure. A sense of serenity will permeate the welcoming oasis when it arrives on your doorstop.

Most of Lily’s Florist’s flower-growers and suppliers are local – giving them daily access to the best and freshest produce conceivable. So, if you require something truly exotic or out of season, they also have contact with suppliers all around the globe. There’s seldom an order they cannot fill, most times of year.  

Lily’s Monterey Florist creates fabulous floral displays in ceramics and vases, as well as superb bouquets to mark instances from all the happy events of life, such as birthday, engagement, wedding, corporate occasions, anniversaries, and even some of the unhappier times like, hospital visits, funeral and remembrance. Or maybe flowers to enhance the atmosphere of the home. They cater to restaurant occasions, dinner gatherings and discrete settings, school parties, racing pageants, and more…

Why not call or email them to discuss your floral needs?

Lily’s Monterey Florist is in love with flowers. The texture; the look; the fragrance; plus the way they will make you feel when they arrive at your door. The perfume of Oriental Lilies always has the sense of Christmas, and Jasmine prompts a sense of all the warm & fuzzies. 

Cheap Florist Delivery to Monterey CA

Your delivery florist in Monterey is also a huge fan of gift wrapping. They get into anything that’s attractively gift- wrapped. And that apparently special attention to detail really rocks their boat! They pay much attention into how your floral presentation will arrive … that matter is tremendously important to them.

The creative team at Lily’s Monterey Florist do all the behind the scenes vase washing, flower preparation, location set-up and so much more.

What Lily’s Monterey Florist does! 

  • Styling flowers … They’ve got it covered!
  • Weddings.... Absolutely!
  • Bouquets and special sprays for the bridal party and the family
  • Designing and styling for the ceremony
  • They operate by appointment, whether it is over a phone consultation or face to face. They would love to see you so they can get a sense of your flair. After your consultation, they can create your very own floral inspiration
  • They work with a number of Planners who they trust and can work with you on your day or for the entire occasion 
  • Delivery….Yes, absolutely!
  • Of course they do more than just weddings, they can help out with styling and florals for any event, as they love getting their creative juices flowing. So, let them know about your experience and they will help create the magic.