
Featured Flowers

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Same Day Delivery
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$54.99 $43.99
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Deal Of The Day Bouquet
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$56.50 $44.99
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Sweet Orange
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$56.99 $48.99
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Savannah Bouquet
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$64.99 $54.99
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Succession Bouquet Premium
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$66.99 $59.99
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Same Day Delivery

A love that you can touch, smell, and admire – that is what romance flowers are.

When you have an actively feeling heart, it means that your ability to care for people is endless. Whether you are your mother’s child, a sister, a friend, or simply a person who easily connects with people, it is always a pleasure to express your love regardless of form.

Through time, flowers have been a dependable instrument in telling someone ‘I miss you,’ ‘I love you, ‘I care for you.’ Our florists at Lily’s Florist have thought time and again that there are many wonderful things that can happen in a relationship graced with romantic flowers. With this inspiration, we thought of creating all kinds of love through roses and more. The various hues of roses sprinkled with its enticing fragrance are enough to communicate your intentions.

Spell out your love in the face of flowers. Giving flowers is always a better idea than not doing anything and just letting amorous moments in standstill without any potential to become lovely memories with your partners. Send the best roses through Lily’s Florist Romance Flowers.

What can you expect from our romance flowers? Let R.O.S.E.S. tell you.

R – Redefine. In every relationship that has stood the test of time, too much familiarity with one another is inevitable. Let our romance flowers redefine your relationship and take it back to a passionate level where keeping close to the love of your life is overpowering.  

O – On-demand. Our romance flowers are on-hand and can be delivered to your recipient the same day.  You can always send roses on ordinary days, various occasions, and on days when you accidentally forget a special day. Order before the cut-off schedule of 2PM on weekdays and 10 AM on Saturdays for same day delivery services.

S – Sophisticated. Lily’s Florist Romance flowers are designed with class and sophistication but comes in very reasonable prices. You always want the best for your sweetheart and our florists are the people to trust when it comes to affordable and spectacular rose bouquet designs!

E – Everlasting. We use fresh blooms from the best flower farms in town and our products are handled with utter care to assure that it will stay as fresh as it is from farm to shop until it arrives to your recipient’s home or any location in.

S – Super Easy. Lily’s Florist brings flower delivery to the next level. We are a delivery florist that takes pride on our convenient, fast, friendly customer service that always focuses on how our flowers can make our customers happy. Get your smart phone or use your desktop computers to access our detailed website. 

The only way to make impossible things happen is to believe that it is possible. Do not let nerves discourage you from doing one of the greatest things you can do for your partner or someone you really like – our Romance Flowers will keep your ball of love rolling.

Make someone’s heart full; send flowers now by Lily’s Florist.
