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The night sees the loneliness, the day sees the joy. But with daisies, it sees both sadness and happiness because it brings comfort and warmth to all who sees.

Daisies are one of the most versatile flower types that are commonly sent to all kinds of recipients. Its aura is too broad that it can be given to anyone on any occasion whether it’s a special or ordinary one. Truly, an efficient choice of flower bouquet gift for it can represent friendship, comfort, hope, and love all at once. A daisy bouquet would always convey the core of your message, no other how bright or solemn the tone.

With every color of a daisy flower, an emotion is expressed

White Gerbera Daisies – New beginnings are marked or hoped for with this daisy color. The spotless white is the epitome of moving on and leaving the pain of the past. Send a bouquet of this divine beauty when you want to apologize or extend your sympathy to a bereaved family.

Yellow Gerbera Daisies – It’s time for you to take that leap of faith. A beaming arrangement of yellow daisies is a welcome to your new journey in life, the breakthrough you have long been waiting for. There is reason to smile now because you have overcome the storm and now you are back and better!

Red Gerbera Daisies – Let the fire in your heart burn to the highest level. Whether it’s all about romance or passion, these red gerberas are the incontestable representation. Send a bouquet of these. It does not matter how many because three stems or a dozen will still signify the same effect.

Pink Gerberas – If you ask if there is a flower to symbolize your affection, pink gerbera daisy would be the number one answer. When there comes a time that you want to let someone know how you care but you don’t want to be misinterpreted, pink of this magnificent bloom can send your message just right.

Orange Gerberas – What a day! Saying this can either mean you had a fantastic day or an extremely stressful one. A handmade bouquet of orange gerbera daisies on display at home or at work can celebrate the wins or make up for the losses.

Lily’s Florist delivers orange gerbera daisies bouquet to your recipient the same day. Order online and pay via PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, and American Express cards.  
