
Flower Delivery Allentown PA

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Designers Choice Bouquet
Save 26%
$53.99 $39.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 17%
$51.99 $42.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 20%
$54.99 $43.99
Same Day Delivery
Sweet Orange
Save 14%
$56.99 $48.99
Same Day Delivery
Lilac surprise flowers bouquet
Save 16%
$50.99 $42.99
Same Day Delivery
Deliciously Special flowers
Save 15%
$53.99 $45.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Mixed Color Bouquet
Save 22%
$54.99 $42.99
Same Day Delivery
Save 22%
$58.99 $45.99
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Succession Bouquet Premium
Save 10%
$66.99 $59.99

Same Day Flower Delivery To Allentown

Brighten Their Day With Flowers By Lily's Florist

Use Lily's Florist For Flower Delivery To Allentown For These Reasons:

  • Ease and Convenience: Life's busy, but don't let that keep you from sharing a touch of nature's beauty with your loved ones. With Lily's Florist, sending flowers to Allentown, PA, is as simple as a few clicks.
  • Expertly Curated Selection: Our team of dedicated florists in Allentown create arrangements with a careful eye for detail and a passionate understanding of each flower's unique beauty. 
  • Exceptional Customer Service: With Lily's Florist, you're not just buying flowers; you're experiencing a service that prioritizes your needs. Our team is here to help guide you in making the best choice. Whether you're unsure about a certain arrangement or need advice on what bouquet might best suit an occasion, our friendly customer support is ready to assist. 

There is a reason why people are drawn to flowers. It is fascinating how various rich colors collide with enticing scents and be presented in interesting shapes and forms. You wouldn’t want flowers any other way because, it’s beautiful as it is and it can make you smile today when you order from Lily’s Florist Allentown your flower delivery expert.  

Lily’s Florist Allentown opens the door for you so you can experience artisanal flower bouquets even on ordinary days. When you order from our multifunctional website, your day is definitely going to turn around. Flowers do this best. It makes tears shed for joy and gets you in the mood to pay it forward and make other people feel the light and love it brings.  

Meet the best florists in Allentown

Sending your first bouquet here at Allentown will be fun when you order from our trusted florists. Our website is your gateway to the most reliable and talented florists in Allentown and through us, you would get the chance to receive same day flowers, at a very affordable price.  

Lily’s Florist Allentown directly connects you to your neighborhood florists, order from our website before the cut-off period of 2 PM on a weekday and 10 AM on a weekend so we can send the flowers to you or your recipient the same day of your order.  

Not only that, we can assist you in every way possible whenever you need it. Ask us your questions about flowers or maybe you have queries about the dos and don’ts when sending flowers, our friendly florists can help you out.  

Allentown Sympathy & Funeral Flowers

In times of loss and mourning, Lily's Florist stands by your side, offering a compassionate hand through our sympathy flower delivery service to various funeral homes in Allentown, PA, and surrounding areas. Our thoughtful arrangements are designed to convey your condolences and provide comfort to the bereaved.

  • Cantelmi-Long Funeral Home (500 Linden Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018): Our elegant and heartfelt sympathy flowers are delivered with care to Cantelmi-Long Funeral Home, ensuring your sentiments are felt during the service.
  • Bachman, Kulik & Reinsmith Funeral Homes, P.C. (17th & Hamilton Streets, Allentown, PA): Choose from our curated selection of sympathy arrangements to honor the memory of the departed at Bachman, Kulik & Reinsmith Funeral Homes.
  • Jesse Johnson Funeral Home: Even without the address, rest assured that our service covers the delivery of beautiful, respectful floral tributes to convey your condolences.
  • Judd-Beville Funeral Home, Inc. (1310-1314 W Hamilton St, Allentown, PA 18102): Our sympathy flowers, delivered to Judd-Beville Funeral Home, are a testament to your care and shared sorrow during this difficult time.

Lily's Florist is here to help you navigate through these challenging moments with the right choice of sympathy flowers, ensuring they are delivered with sensitivity and respect to the funeral homes in Allentown and its vicinity. Our commitment is to provide support and solace through the beauty of flowers.

Best Birthday Flowers in Allentown

Since online shopping has been a go-to habit these times, get on full mode when you also shop for flowers online. Use your smart phone or desktop computer to order from our website. Select through our categories and find the bouquet that fits your needs.   

Our collection features bouquets of your most loved blooms like lilies, daisies, and roses, hand-arranged into remarkable arrangements that can create beautiful days for you; as well as your loved ones and friends.  

Lily’s Florist Allentown also offers gift hampers and plant arrangements that you can send aside from flowers. There are also freebies that can make your floral gift extra special, especially when those fragrant blooms are paired with a box of chocolates, a teddy bear, or an elegant keepsake vase.  

Flowers Beyon Allentown PA

Lily's Florist extends its exceptional flower delivery service beyond Allentown, catering to various locations with the same dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. Whether you're looking to send a bouquet to Bethlehem, Erie, or Harrisburg, Lily's Florist ensures your floral gifts arrive fresh and full of life. Our Bethlehem flower delivery service brings elegance and sentiment to any occasion, while our Erie flower delivery options offer a range of beautiful arrangements perfect for celebrating life's special moments. Additionally, our Harrisburg flower delivery ensures that no matter where your loved ones are in PA, they can feel the warmth of your regards through the beauty of flowers. Choose Lily's Florist for all your floral needs across Pennsylvania, where quality blooms and heartfelt gestures come together seamlessly.

A Little About Allentown

Allentown, Pennsylvania, is a vibrant city with a population of 125,845 as of the 2020 census. Founded in 1762, it is the third-most-populous city in Pennsylvania and the largest city in the Lehigh Valley metropolitan area. Allentown has undergone significant urban renewal and development in its Neighborhood Improvement Zone, attracting new businesses, luxury living spaces, and visitors. The city is known for its cultural attractions, museums, historic sites, and annual events such as The Great Allentown Fair and Lights in the Parkway. It offers a diverse range of activities, including amusement and water park action at Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom, and various dining options. Allentown's convenient location, commitment to healthy living, and celebration of the arts make it a great place for active folks to live. The city's official website provides information about exciting events, government services, and local organizations