
Featured Bouquets

Expert Local Florist Delivery

Order Flowers Online Or Call (800) 946-5457

Never miss a flower deal again! Shop today at Lily’s Florist New Orleans and get discounts on selected flower arrangements.   

Choose from our wide assortment of hand-arranged floral gifts. Colorful birthday bouquets, romantic roses, premium floral arrangements, gift baskets, potted plants – we have everything you’ll need to invigorate someone’s space and boost someone’s mood.   

Reliable Fresh Flower Delivery by Lily’s Florist New Orleans  

Order today and take advantage of our same-day delivery. This applies to all orders placed before 2PM Monday to Friday in the recipient’s time zone. Our Saturday same-day delivery is applicable to orders placed before 10AM Saturday. Lily’s Florist New Orleans assures you of prompt delivery of fresh flower gifts. We have a reliable team of reputable local florists in the Crescent City in Louisiana.  

Start browsing our Bestsellers section and find out what most people get for their loved ones.  You’d be surprised to see heartwarming flower gifts at absolutely budget-friendly prices.    

Send Flower Gifts Today to New Orleans, LA  

Whether you’re looking for peach bouquets, pretty purple flowers, crimson floral displays, or brilliant flower arrangements filled with blooms in a rainbow of colors, you’ll find what you need at Lily’s Florist New Orleans. Our hand-arranged floral creations are meticulously designed by expert florists. These floral displays are crafted with keen attention to detail. Apart from making sure that the overall look and impact will be impressive, our flower experts also see to it that the design is expressive and indicative of the sender’s message.  

So go ahead and send your love to someone in Louisiana. Count on Lily’s Florist New Orleans to beautifully interpret your feelings in the form of a fresh flower arrangement.  Our bouquets can articulate messages of love and devotion, gratitude, admiration, sympathy, and even regret. Say you’re sorry with one of our yellow rose bouquets or with a white flower arrangement that mirrors your sincere heart.   

Louisiana Flowers & Plants by New Orleans Florist  

At Lily’s Florist New Orleans, you’ll find fresh flower gifts with moving beauty. We have flowers for every occasion or celebration. We also have plant gifts and baskets of treats filled with edible goodies. Bouquets with chocolates, flowers in vase, roses with teddy bears, and flower-balloon combinations are also available.   

Order today and see for yourself what makes our flower arrangements different from the rest. Let our professional florist prepare a graceful and meaningful assembly of fresh-cut flowers for someone you care about. With us, you’re assured of flawless blooms artistically arranged into an attractive and telling floral gift.   
