4 Flowers to Add to Your Valentine’s Day Bouquet


Why settle for the familiar red rose when you can demonstrate your love more expressively with a unique V-Day mixed bouquet?

Eighty-four percent of consumers opt for roses for Valentine’s Day. You have the option to stand out in your love expression by choosing a floral gift that’s a bit more different than the rest. Among your options is a brilliant bouquet of pink tulips signifying true love. The showstopper midnight calla lily that symbolizes faithfulness, beauty, and magnificence is also an impressive option.

Should you still prefer to go with the good ol’ red rose, tweak the ensemble up a bit and add another flower type. By doing a combination or a mixed floral ensemble, you get to boost the wow factor and heartwarming impact of your Heart’s Day present.

Here are 4 romantic and meaningful blooms that can give your Valentine’s Day bouquet an extra dose of sweetness.

Astrantia. Add visual interest to your bouquet with the textured beauty of the star-shaped buds of Astrantia. This blossom pairs perfectly well with any floral arrangement palette. A long-lasting cut flower, Astrantia or Masterwort showcases small flower heads in a range of colors including red, reddish-purple, white, cream, and pink. White Astrantia symbolizes innocence and purity while pink ones represent grace and femininity. Red Astrantias stand for strength, courage, and passion. This flower’s name originates from the Latin word “aster” which means “star.” This dainty blossom is the perfect addition to a Valentine’s Day bouquet if the love of your life is also the star in your sky. 

Butterfly Ranunculus. Another dainty bloom that will enhance the dreamy look of any Valentine’s rose bouquet. This flower features multiple branches per stem and iridescent petals. It is a special type of ranunculus with a soft sparkle that can surely make any bouquet look ultra-gorgeous. It comes in various shades including white, yellow, peach, purple, red, pink, and orange. As a cut flower, this bloom will last for at least two weeks in a vase.

Lisianthus. Symbolizing gratefulness, this bloom tells your loved one that you’re thankful for her presence in your life. The flower o appreciation, respect, acceptance, love, and acknowledgment, a lisianthus blossom would make a meaningful addition to any bouquet. This darling of a flower features a charisma that’s hard to look away from. Its delicate petals will complement the velvety petals of a rose. You can combine lisianthus with contemporary bouquets, vintage-style floral arrangements, and handpicked-style floral bunches.

Peony. A beautiful and fragrant flower, the exquisite peony speaks a special language. It’s a flower of good fortune and happy marriage. Its luxurious full, open, and round blooms that are packed with petals convey prosperity and overflowing love. As a perennial, this bloom comes back every year and is known to thrive for generations with little maintenance. It can last for at least a hundred years which is a good representation of your lifetime commitment.

All these four unusual V-Day flower choices deserve a place in a Valentine’s Day bouquet. They’re beautiful, romantic and expressive in their own ways. You see, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be only about roses. Mix up with different blooms and give your significant other a distinctive bouquet that will surely stun and make a mark. 


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