
Featured Bouquets

Expert Local Florist Delivery

Order Flowers Online Or Call (800) 946-5457

Looking for a totally fool-proof gift? You can’t go wrong with fresh flowers. Get a bunch of them fresh and beautiful here at Lily’s Florist Lafayette. We have over a hundred flower gift options so there’s one you can choose for every celebration and for every sentiment you wish to express. 

Our flowers are perfect for marking special days and making milestones extra memorable. They’re also perfect for communicating heartfelt emotions and special messages. Express what’s in your heart through the language of flowers and discover how these gorgeous gifts from nature make effective messengers of love. 

Find the Perfect Flower Gift Online at Lily’s Florist Lafayette

A bouquet of fresh flowers is the easiest way to let someone special know that she’s treasured. Remind a loved one today how much she means to you through a mixed bouquet of fresh-cut blooms. Choose from our Bestsellers or pick our customers’ all-time favorite, the Designer’s Choice Bouquet. Our floral arrangements come in different sizes so you there’s one that will fit your design and budget requirements. We also have extra gifts like chocolates and teddy bears that can sweeten your gift further. 

When shopping for birthday flowers or anniversary bouquets, simply shop by category at Lily’s Florist Lafayette. You can also shop by color or flower type to narrow your choices down. We’ve carefully designed our online flower store to be so user-friendly it will literally take you just a few clicks to arrange a flower delivery. 

Send Plants and Flower Gifts Today to Lafayette LA

Gift baskets loaded with sweet and savory treats, baskets of greenery, and potted flowering plants are likewise available. Pick our yellow potted gerberas and spread joy and good vibes in an instant. Our Dish Garden is an ideal choice when sending a ready-to-display housewarming gift. 

Lily’s Florist Lafayette delivers fresh flowers, gift baskets, and plant gifts not just to residential neighborhoods but also to commercial and business addresses. We deliver flowers to hospitals, nursing homes, retirement communities, schools, churches, and offices. 

Modern Flower Arrangements Delivered Same Day to Louisiana

For last-minute shoppers, we offer same-day delivery. Never miss a special day again! Order flowers today and we’ll get your gift delivered to Lafayette LA on the same day of your purchase. Just order online before 2PM for Monday to Friday Lafayette same-day delivery and before 10AM for Saturday same-day delivery. 

Go flower shopping now at Lily’s Florist Lafayette and find the best flower arrangements. We’re ready to provide you with blooming gifts filled with handpicked fresh flowers that will surely last longer than a week. 
