
Featured Flowers

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$51.99 $42.99
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Mixed Color Bouquet
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$54.99 $42.99
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Deal Of The Day Bouquet
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$56.50 $44.99
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Deliciously Special flowers
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Sweet Orange
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$56.99 $48.99
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I'm Sorry Flowers Collection

We all make mistakes, and sometimes words aren't enough to mend a misunderstanding or a mistake. Lily's Florist understands the delicate art of making amends, and our "I'm Sorry Flowers" collection is specially curated to help you express your sincere apologies.

Our Lilac Surprise offers a calming blend of lilacs and other delicate flowers, perfect to soothe any tension. It's a gentle embrace saying everything will be alright, allowing you to reconnect on a deeper level. For those who wish to inspire optimism and hope, our Dare to Wish bouquet is an audacious selection that rekindles connections and dares to dream of forgiveness.

Sometimes, a gentle touch is all that's needed, and that's where our Kisses arrangement comes in. With its soft hues and tender embrace, it's a bouquet that feels like a soothing kiss, making everything better. Complementing this is our Mixed Color Bouquet, a celebration of complex feelings and emotions that aligns perfectly with the multifaceted experience of saying "I'm sorry."

Our Joyous bouquet is all about spreading joy and showing deep regret with its bright and cheerful flowers. It's like offering a fresh start wrapped in vibrant colors. If you're looking for something more subtle and heartwarming, our Yellow Daisies will surely melt away any lingering resentment with their innocence and the warmth of yellow hues.

For a lasting gesture, our Orange Potted Gerberas offer a fresh outlook and symbolize a new positive phase in your relationship. It's an enduring reminder of your apology and the strength of your bond. Finally, our Rays of Sunshine bouquet is a perfect way to brighten someone's day and wash away the shadows of disappointment. These vibrant flowers are a ray of hope and a promise of better days to come.

Whether you've had a small disagreement with a friend or a significant other, these flower arrangements offer a tangible way to show how truly sorry you are. Each bouquet in Lily's Florist's "I'm Sorry Flowers" collection is more than a floral arrangement; it's a sentiment, a gesture of remorse, and a promise to do better. When words fail, let our exquisite arrangements do the talking. Order today and take the first step towards healing and reconciliation.
