
Featured Bouquets

Expert Local Florist Delivery

Order Flowers Online Or Call (800) 946-5457

Celebrating the arrival of a new baby? Someone’s getting a year older? Want to thank someone special? Get the best gifts online at Lily’s Florist Overland Park. We have the perfect flower present to make any occasion extra memorable. Our flowers make great messengers of love and affection, too.  

When you’re celebrating a special day, communicating your feelings to someone you care about, or in need of a surprise gift, choose flowers. Shop at Lily’s Florist Overland Park and find the most beautiful flower gifts.   

Discounted Flower Gifts at Lily’s Florist Overland Park  

Shop from our Bestsellers and see our most admired floral creations. Conveniently find the flower gift you need by shopping by color, flower type, or occasion.  Our Designer’s Choice Bouquet is always available and is perfect for moments you can’t simply pinpoint which floral design to select. Shop now and get up to 15% off on selected bouquets.   

Lily’s Florist Overland Park offers a wide selection of hand-prepared floral gifts for various occasions. Our thoughtfully designed bouquets and arrangements also make expressive messengers of love. Send the tightest hug to someone you love through our heartwarming peach bouquet. Send kisses through our red, pink, and white floral ensemble of the same name. Say thank you, I miss you, or I’m sorry through one of our symbolic floral gifts.   

All Occasion Flowers Delivered Same Day to Overland Park, KS  

Shop at your convenience. Our online flower store is a secure space where you can buy flower gifts from wherever you are in the world, are whatever time you’re available. Do your flower shopping while on coffee break or just before you go to bed. Arrange a flower delivery to Kansas using your smartphone or computer.   

For same-day flower delivery, simply make a purchase before 2 PM Monday to Friday and before 10 AM Saturday in the recipient’s time zone. We deliver fresh flowers to residential neighborhoods, business addresses, schools, churches, hospitals, and retirement communities in overland Park, Kansas.   

Best Flower Gifts from the Best Overland Park Florist  

Browse our collection now and find uplifting bouquets of yellow and orange flowers, mood-boosting arrangements of mixed colorful blooms, and soothing assemblies of greenery. Tulips, long-stemmed red roses, all-white flower arrangements – find all these and more. Plant gifts and baskets with edible treats are also available.  Order today and let our partner local florist prepare a beautiful flower gift for your special someone.  

Buy fresh flowers now at Lily’s Florist Overland Park!  
