
Featured Flowers

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Lilac surprise flowers bouquet
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$50.99 $42.99
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Thinking Of You
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$54.50 $43.99
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Deal Of The Day Bouquet
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$56.50 $44.99
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$58.99 $45.99
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CHRISTMAS – one of the few special days that requires you to look and feel beyond the external nature of a person, situation, and yourself. You have been waiting all year for this day. Make it meaningful and memorable through a festive bouquet of flowers, hand-arranged by passionate florists who have been longing for this jolly season as well.

There are multiple emotions you can feel during this season, do not be alarmed – it’s normal. All you need to do is try your best to set your mind on other things that can make this year’s Yuletide season a peaceful and joyous one for you and your family. Christmas flowers can be a great source of happiness. Fill your home with these joyfully styled bouquets or send as a gift to your loved ones and friends.

Think of a color theme this year and match it with our Christmas flower selection. Our florists have made sure to apply all the seasonal Christmas trends this year to fit every flower lover’s taste. We even have the classic styles available for you – it’s all here and can be ordered online through our website.

Flower delivery on Christmas Day

The hustle and bustle on Christmas day is reason enough for you to stay at home so do not bother going out to buy some presents, stay where you are and order using your Android phone, Iphone, laptop, mobile tablet, or desktop computer. Let our florists take charge of your flower and gift needs, rest assured we have prepared well for all things Christmassy that you might look for this year.

Lily’s Florist offers you rose, lily, daisy, carnations, chrysanthemum, poinsettia arrangements which range from simple holiday designs to meticulously crafted Christmas bouquets. Make your recipient go HO-HO-HO when you send the bouquet with cool gifts like teddy bear, chocolates, or some eye-catching balloons!

We will do our best to let you experience the best Christmas ever with our ornamental flower bunches and posies as well as our hassle-free flower delivery service.

A break or addition for your Christmas tradition

If flowers have not yet been part of your Christmas to-have and to-send list, then it’s time for you to begin the yearly habit. Flowers always make moments more memorable especially during the holiday celebrations.

Contact our florists today and we will guide you to having a flowerful holiday season from now on.

Happy Holidays! 
