
What Are The Best Flowers & Plants for Offices

What Are The Best Flowers & Plants for Offices

So What Flowers or Plants Are Best For The Office?

Bringing a touch of nature into the workplace can have a profound impact on the overall atmosphere and well-being of employees. Office plants, particularly flowers, have been shown to provide numerous benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. From improving air quality and reducing stress to boosting productivity and creativity, the presence of office blooms can significantly enhance the work environment.

Flowers for office desks serve as more than just decorative elements; they are a simple yet effective way to create a more pleasant and inviting workspace. The best office flowers are those that not only add visual appeal but also thrive in the unique conditions of an office setting, such as low light, limited space, and minimal maintenance.

Importance of Adding a Touch of Nature to the Workplace

Incorporating natural elements like flowers and plants into office spaces has been linked to positive physical, mental and emotional outcomes in employees. Greenery and blooms provide a connection to nature, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety, fatigue, and isolation. Exposure to live plants also stimulates productivity and creativity by improving mood, concentration and cognitive function.

Benefits of Having Plants in the Office

Key benefits provided by office plants include:

  • Purifying the air of pollutants like VOCs from electronics and furniture
  • Regulating humidity
  • Increasing oxygenation
  • Lowering stress levels and heart rate
  • Boosting productivity, focus and concentration
  • Fostering positive emotions like optimism and determination
  • Enhancing aesthetic appeal

Things to Consider When Choosing Office Flowers

When selecting the best flowers for your office desk, there are several key factors to keep in mind to ensure that your chosen blooms thrive in the unique environment of the workplace.

Low Maintenance

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing office desk flowers is their maintenance requirements. Go for low-maintenance plants that can thrive with minimal care, as busy office workers may not have the time or resources to dedicate to extensive plant upkeep.

Look for flowers that require infrequent watering, minimal pruning, and limited fertilization. Easy-care office blooms will allow you to enjoy the benefits of having plants in your workspace without the added stress of constant maintenance.

Things to Consider When Choosing Office Flowers

Low-Light Flowers & Plants

Many office environments lack access to bright, natural light, which can be a challenge for some plants. When selecting flowers for your office desk, prioritize species that are adaptable to low-light conditions.

These low-light office flowers can thrive in the artificial lighting commonly found in workplaces, such as fluorescent or LED lights. By choosing plants that are well-suited to low-light environments, you can ensure that your office blooms remain healthy and vibrant, even in the absence of direct sunlight.

Size and Space

Office desks often have limited space, making it crucial to consider the size of the flowers you choose. Try for compact plants that won't overwhelm your workspace or impede your daily tasks.

Small-scale flowers and miniature varieties are ideal for office desks, as they can provide a touch of nature without compromising functionality. When evaluating the size and space constraints of your office, also consider the potential growth rate of your chosen flowers to ensure they remain manageable over time.

Air-Purifying Properties

In addition to their aesthetic value, certain office flowers can also contribute to improved air quality in the workplace. Air-purifying plants have been shown to remove toxins and pollutants from the air, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, which are commonly found in office environments.

By incorporating air-cleaning flowers into your workspace, you can create a healthier and more refreshing atmosphere that promotes employee well-being and productivity.

Aesthetic Appeal

While functionality is crucial, the aesthetic appeal of your chosen office flowers should not be overlooked. The visual impact of beautiful blooms can significantly enhance the ambiance of your workspace, creating a more inviting and pleasant environment.

Consider the color, texture, and overall appearance of the flowers you select, and choose those that complement your office décor and personal preferences. Visually appealing office plants can serve as a source of inspiration and contribute to a more positive and engaging work atmosphere.

Best Flower & Plants for Office Desks

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily is a top pick among office flowers due to its numerous benefits and easy-care nature. This elegant plant boasts glossy green leaves and beautiful white spathes, which are often mistaken for flowers. The spathes emerge from the base of the plant and curve gracefully over the foliage, creating a striking and sophisticated appearance that can elevate the look of any office desk.

One of the most significant advantages of the Peace Lily is its low maintenance requirements. This office-friendly flower is remarkably easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for busy professionals who may not have the time or expertise to tend to more demanding plants.

The Peace Lily requires minimal watering, with a preference for moist but not soggy soil. In fact, this plant is quite forgiving and can even bounce back from occasional neglect, such as missed watering sessions.

Another key benefit of the Peace Lily is its adaptability to low-light conditions. Unlike many other flowering plants, the Peace Lily can thrive in the limited natural light often found in office environments. It can tolerate fluorescent or LED lighting and does not require direct sunlight to maintain its lush foliage and produce its signature spathes. This adaptability makes the Peace Lily a perfect fit for offices with limited access to natural light.

In addition to its low maintenance and adaptability, the Peace Lily is also known for its impressive air-purifying properties. This office-friendly flower has been shown to effectively remove toxins and pollutants from the air, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. By incorporating a Peace Lily into your office desk setup, you can improve the air quality of your immediate workspace and create a healthier and more refreshing environment that promotes well-being and productivity.

African Violet (Saintpaulia)

What Are The Best Flowers & Plants for Offices - african violet

One of the most delightful flowering plants for office desks is the African Violet, known for its charm, bright colors, and easy care requirements. This small plant features stunning blooms in various hues that can instantly brighten your workspace.

The African Violet possesses a compact size under 8 inches wide, making it ideal for small office spaces. Despite the modest stature, these cheerful blooms make a vibrant decorative statement.

As a low-maintenance flower, the African Violet succeeds in moderate lighting and humidity levels typically found in workplaces. Only requiring occasional watering and fertilizing, this adaptive plant can thrive on office desks with minimal care.

By providing a positive splash of color and visual interest, having an African Violet can boost moods to create a more cheerful workspace.

Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae)

Valued for vivid colors and unique structural foliage, Bromeliads bring exotic tropical flair to office desks without demanding intensive care. These eye-catching plants supply long-lasting floral accents alongside air-cleaning abilities.

Exceptionally drought- and humidity-resistant, Bromeliads only need their central leaf wells filled with water every few weeks, reducing the maintenance load for busy professionals. Despite adapting to neglect, the intricate blooms and leaves of Bromeliads continue gracing desks with vibrant colors for months.

In addition to decorating abilities, Bromeliads passively filter benzene, formaldehyde and other volatile office toxins to purify the surrounding workstation air quality and environment. The combination of form, function and straightforward care makes this plant a superb choice.

Orchids (Orchidaceae)

Treasured for delicate beauty and rolling floral displays, the orchid's refined yet easygoing nature lends an upscale presence to office spaces. These sculptural flowers symbolize luxury and creativity.

Many orchid varieties tolerate low indirect light and sporadic watering, thriving with minimal intervention aside from bloom-enhancing fertilizer applied a few times per year. While volunteering captivating flowers for months, these low-maintenance orchids also help offices emulate the innovation and elegance associated with the tech startups that made the plants emblem.

Blanketing desks in cascading phalaenopsis whites or vibrant moth orchid purples infuses workstations with positive energy reminiscent of orchids’ rainforest origins.

Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

Representing optimistic themes of resilience and harmony in Asian cultures, lucky bamboo's simple yet captivating elegance graces office desks while requiring next to no upkeep, as this versatile plant grows readily in water.

What Are The Best Flowers & Plants for Offices - lucky bamboo

The slender green stalks emerge from clear vases in sparse yet impactful arrangements that occupy minimal surface area. As an essentially aquatic plant, lucky bamboo merely needs its water changed occasionally and indirect light to flourish.

Incorporate different numbers of stems to channel desired energies - three for happiness, five for health and prosperity. This meaningful plant spreads cheerful tranquility and positive focus through office spaces while serving as a living symbol of good fortune.

Caring for Office Flowers & Plants

To keep your office flowers looking their best and thriving in the workplace environment, it is essential to provide them with proper care and attention matched to their specific needs.

Watering Requirements

Determining optimal watering frequency involves assessing factors such as the plant variety, pot size, growing medium, and office conditions. Most office plants thrive with evenly moist (not soggy) soil that dries slightly between watering. Inserting a finger to check soil moisture and watering when the top inch is dry facilitates flowering plant health.

Use room temperature water and avoid wetting foliage, as consistent moisture invites fungi. Additionally, some flowers like lucky bamboo prefer filtered water over tap water, which may contain damaging chemicals.

Caring for Office Flowers & Plants

Light Considerations

While some office plants tolerate low light, others require brighter, filtered light to bloom. Choose plants suiting available sunlight, supplementing with full-spectrum grow lights as needed. Avoid direct hot sun exposure, which can scorch leaves.

Humidity and Temperature

Maintain temperatures between 60°-75°F with moderate humidity around 40-60% for most flowering plants. Move plants away from heating/cooling vents and use humidifiers or pebble trays to provide an appropriate environment.

Fertilizing and Repotting

Fertilize actively growing plants every 4-6 weeks during spring and summer using balanced diluted liquid fertilizers made for that species. Repot root-bound plants in 1-2 inch larger pots with drainage holes using fresh potting mix to encourage growth.

Pest and Disease Control

Inspect plants regularly for common office pests like fungus gnats, mealybugs, spider mites and aphids. Isolate and promptly treat infestations using gentle insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils or manual removal. Improve air circulation and avoid overwatering to control fungi. Remove affected plant parts and apply appropriate antifungal sprays.

Benefits of Having Plants or Flowers on Office Desks

Benefits of Having Plants or Flowers on Office Desks

Incorporating thoughtfully selected flowers and plants into office environments provides significant positive outcomes beyond basic decoration.

Improved Air Quality

Certain office-friendly flowers actively purify indoor air by removing toxins like volatile organic compounds and benzene emitted from furniture and electronics. This creates healthier, more invigorating workspace air quality, which helps employees breathe easier.

Additionally, flowers oxygenate and add soothing humidity to office spaces as natural air circulators. Removing airborne pollutants while increasing oxygen availability enables workers to feel more refreshed and focused.

Reduced Stress and Increased Productivity

Studies demonstrate that nurturing office plants helps lower stress and increase productivity. The natural presence is visually calming and caring for blooms enables beneficial mental breaks.

Seeing living plants also reminds busy workers to practice mindfulness, self-care and deep breathing, reducing anxiety. This supports cognitive function and determination required for demanding tasks over extended periods. Simply watering an orchid on your desk can be a soothing zen-like ritual.

Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

Thoughtfully designed floral accents elevate drab offices with positive sensory stimulation. Vibrant blossom colors, alluring fragrances and intriguing textures provide aesthetic enrichment. Office flowers also spark inspiration and cheer. A professionally embellished workspace puts clients and colleagues at ease through welcoming, artful splendor.

Positive Impact on Mood and Well-Being

Exposure to plant life nurtures innate human connectivity to nature. Caring for graceful office blooms fosters happiness while reducing feelings of isolation, boredom and fatigue. Employees experience increased optimism, motivation and satisfaction when workspace flora improves environmental health and engagement.


Nice article, I would only add that anything green that can grow in an office is good in terms plants. As for flowers im not too fussed.
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