Expert Yucaipa Local Florist Delivery
Lily’s Florist Yucaipa
Someone looks like they are having a great day. Look at that glowing aura, the contagious smile, and the overpowering feeling of happiness clearly shown on your face. Is it a bouquet of Peonies, Roses, Lilies, Carnation flowers, or Daisies which you received?
Our good guess is…it’s a bouquet delivered the same day by LILY’S FLORIST YUCAIPA!
Welcome to our floral family here in Yucaipa. Our mission is to provide you with flowers on the same day of your order so you can maximize the feeling of joy and hope in every situation. Share the good vibes with your family and friends through blushing blossoms.
Purchase a handmade floral gift today whether it’s for you or for your loved one. Browse our flower categories to take a good look on our wide range of flower collection showcasing the variety of colors of your most desired flowers may it be gerberas, hydrangeas, lilies, or roses.
Send Flowers in Yucaipa, California
Here at Lily’s Florist Yucaipa, we intend for you to have a smooth-sailing experience when sending flowers to your sweetheart, family, and friends. You can conveniently access our website when you browse through your desktop computer, laptop, and smart phone.
Select a bouquet with ease when you view our flower categories plus the list on our menu options which present flowers according to its color, type, season, and occasion.
We make sure you have a lot of options when you trust us with your gift needs. Lily’s Florist Yucaipa also offers same day or next day delivery of simple yet attractive plant arrangements and gift baskets packed with delicious treats and refreshing drinks.
We accept online payments made via your PayPal account or your VISA, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards.
All these are created with love and dedication and shall be delivered to you or your recipient the safest and fastest way there is. Non-contact delivery protocols should be observed.
Flower bouquet of the day by Lily’s Florist Yucaipa
ROSE SUNSET is featured as one of our Good Luck Bouquets. Appealing the eyes of many through its yellow roses with red tips surrounded by dainty yellow lilies, this bouquet will definitely not disappoint.
It is the combination of the glory and beauty of sunsets that can be sent on the same day to wish luck for someone taking on a new adventure in life. Empower their journey through this warm blooms.
Lily's Florist FAQ - Yucaipa, CA
Service Area Coverage
We proudly serve Yucaipa and surrounding communities, including:
- Calimesa (3 miles southeast)
- Redlands (7 miles west)
- Oak Glen (5 miles northeast)
- Mentone (5 miles northwest)
- Cherry Valley (8 miles southeast)
- Highland (12 miles northwest)
- Beaumont (11 miles southeast)
Delivery Information
Same-Day Delivery
We offer same-day flower delivery throughout Yucaipa! Place your order before 2:00 PM Monday through Friday, or before 10:00 AM on Saturdays. We deliver to all Yucaipa neighborhoods, including:
- Chapman Heights
- Wildwood Canyon
- North Bench
- Dunlap Acres
- Central Yucaipa
- Hidden Meadows
- Crafton Hills
- The Lakes
- Yucaipa Hills
- Outer Highway
Specific Delivery Times
While we cannot guarantee exact delivery times, we welcome your preferred time requests. We understand timing is crucial for deliveries to businesses along Yucaipa Boulevard, Bryant Street, and Oak Glen Road.
Special Location Deliveries
- Medical Facilities:
- Beaver Medical Group
- Yucaipa Valley Medical Group
- Mountain View Urgent Care
- Redlands Community Hospital (nearby)
- Business Districts:
- Yucaipa Valley Center
- Chapman Heights Shopping Center
- Uptown Business District
- Bryant Street District
- Schools & Colleges:
- Yucaipa High School
- Crafton Hills College
- Green Valley High School
- Park View Middle School
- Competitive Edge Charter Academy
- Retirement Communities:
- Wildwood Canyon Villa
- Blue Mountain Senior Villas
- Mountain Vista Senior Living
- Funeral Services: We coordinate with local funeral homes:
- Weaver Mortuary
- Emmerson-Bartlett Memorial Chapel
- Rose Mortuary
Climate & Geography Considerations
- Early deliveries during summer heat
- Special routes during Oak Glen apple season
- Alternative delivery options during high wind conditions
- Adjusted scheduling during winter weather in higher elevations
- Temperature-controlled vehicles for flower preservation
Undeliverable Situations
If no one is home during delivery, we follow these protocols:
- Return flowers to our climate-controlled Yucaipa shop
- Contact the recipient using provided information
- Special arrangements for gated communities
- Coordinate with retirement facility staff if needed
Ordering Information
Required Information
When placing an order, please provide:
- Complete delivery address in Yucaipa or surrounding areas
- Recipient's name and contact details
- Gate codes for secured communities
- Special instructions for hillside properties
- Retirement facility room numbers if applicable
- Gift card message
- Payment information
Payment Options
We accept:
- MasterCard
- American Express
- PayPal
Order Modifications
Need to change your order? Contact us as soon as possible:
- Phone: (408) 492-1376
- Email: [email protected]
- Customer Service: (800) 946-5457
Our local Yucaipa team is ready to assist with any changes.
Flower Substitutions
- Seasonal selections available
- Local wildflowers when in season
- Heat-resistant varieties for summer months
- Request "no substitutions" for exact matches (allows 2-day processing time)
Additional Services & Information
Gift Add-ons
Enhance your flower arrangement with:
- Mylar balloons
- Oak Glen apple products (seasonal)
- Local honey
- Artisanal gift baskets
- Fresh local produce (seasonal)
- Crafton Hills lavender products
Care Instructions
- Tips for flower care in foothill climate
- Extended life recommendations
- Proper watering guidelines
- Protection from afternoon heat
Online Security
- SSL-encrypted website
- Secure payment processing
- Confidential information handling
Refunds & Satisfaction
- Refund requests accepted within 24 hours
- Processing time: 2-10 business days
- Quality guarantee for all deliveries
Seasonal Considerations
- Modified delivery schedules during special events:
- Yucaipa Music & Arts Festival
- Oak Glen Apple Season
- Yucaipa Rodeo
- Holiday Light Run
- Adjusted routes during school hours
- Special considerations for winter weather in higher elevations
- Extended delivery hours during moderate weather seasons