
Delivery to
Lakewood NJ

Liven up someone's day you care about in Lakewood, NJ, with an awesome bouquet from Lily's Florist. Our handcrafted fresh and arrangements, featuring roses, peonies, lilies, tulips, gerbera daises and more, are perfect for any occasion like birthdays, thanksgiving, Christmas, anniversaries, funerals and more. Enjoy the simplicity of our secure online shopping platform and same-day delivery to Lakewood NJ. Pair your bouquet with keepsake vases or freebies to make your gift even more special. Order before 1 PM for weekday delivery or 10 AM to Lakewood for weekend delivery or give a flower professional a call on 800 946-5457.

Flower Delivery To Lakewood NJ

Order Online Or Call Lily's Florist 

So Why Use Lily's Florist For Your Lakewood Flowers Needs?

  1. Lily's Florist offers a selection of top-quality flowers such as roses, gerbera daisies, lilies, carnations, tulips, and more. Each bouquet is handcrafted and dedicated to special occasions with friends, family, and colleagues, ensuring that the arrangement is as unique and meaningful as the occasion itself.
  2. Convenient and Multifunctional Online Shopping Platform: The secure and user-friendly website. Payment options, including PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards.
  3. Freebies and Keepsake Vases for Special Moments: Lily's Florist goes the extra mile by offering freebies and keepsake vases that can be paired with your chosen bouquet. These thoughtful additions make any moment even more special and memorable.

Maximize what you already have and look at the world in a whole new way. Look in the mirror and see your eyes sparkle, your lips smile, and your nose delight in the fragrance of farm fresh flower bouquets delivered to you by Lily's Florist.

Lily’s Florist is your best choice for handmade floral bouquets that you can order online for same day or next day delivery to Lakewood NJ. Our hardworking partner florists are the people behind our spectacular arrangements of top-quality harvest of roses, gerbera daisies, lilies, carnations, tulips, and a lot more. Each bouquet is dedicated to every occasion you spend with your friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and of course, your family.

Best Lakewood Florist NJ

Best Lakewood Florist NJ

Do you find joy in flowers? How about in shopping? If you answered yes to both questions then you are in the right place here at Lily’s Florists' secure and multifunctional website. Our website gives you access to a variety of premium designer blooms, styled plant gifts, and gift hampers that you can receive on the same day of your order.

We also have freebies and keepsake vases you can pair with your chosen bouquet to make any moment more special. All you need to do is order before the clock strikes 2 PM on Monday to Friday and 10 AM every Saturday and Sunday so our florists can deliver the flowers to your recipient in Lakewood on the same day.

Lakewood Birthday Flowers Online

Lakewood Birthday Flowers Online

At Lily's Florist, we believe in celebrating every special moment in life. Our extensive range of floral offerings goes beyond bouquets. Explore our thoughtful gift baskets to enhance your expressions of love and care. Commemorate a student's achievement with our beautiful graduation flowers, or welcome someone back with our unique welcome back flowers. Planning a baby shower? Our adorable baby shower flowers are perfect to celebrate the upcoming arrival. Whatever the occasion, Lily's Florist's versatile and handcrafted floral collections ensure that you can find the perfect gift for your loved ones in Lakewood, NJ.

Funeral & Sympathy Flowers in Lakewood

funeral & sympathy flowers delivery  in Lakewood

You can use your laptop or desktop computer to order, just make sure you are connected online. If you are using your smartphone, navigate through or mobile site for more convenience. Lily’s Florist accepts online payments via PayPal, VISA, MasterCard, and America Express credit cards.

If you are still thinking twice, let us convince you more why you should send a Lily’s Florist bouquet today to Lakewood.

  • Flowers make a heart grow fonder. When you miss someone so much and nothing can take the longing away, radiant blooms of daisies or sunflowers can be a great companion.
  • Flowers are expressive. Saying your feelings out loud sometimes makes you tongue-tied. Why not use flowers for an introduction? Peach roses from our collection will do best.
  • Flowers improves mood. The presence of flowers is reason enough to smile and make a day worthwhile. Wake up to large lily blossoms and look forward to an absolutely lovely day!

Flower Delivery FAQ - Lakewood, New Jersey

Same Day Flower Delivery in Lakewood

For same-day flower delivery in Lakewood, NJ, place your order before 2:00 PM EST Monday through Friday, or before 10:00 AM on Saturdays. Located in Ocean County, Lakewood's central location allows us to provide prompt delivery service throughout the area.

Hospital Deliveries

We deliver to all medical facilities in Lakewood, including Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus on River Avenue. Simply provide the patient's name and room number when ordering.

Delivery Time Requests

While we cannot guarantee exact delivery times in Lakewood and surrounding Ocean County areas, we prioritize your preferred delivery window. Include your timing preferences in the special instructions during checkout.

Sunday Deliveries

Sunday deliveries are available in Lakewood with orders placed before the 12 PM Saturday cutoff time. Perfect for special weekend occasions or religious observances, given Lakewood's large Orthodox Jewish community.

Secured Location Deliveries

We deliver to all secured locations in Lakewood, including gated communities and military facilities. Please provide recipient contact information and any specific access instructions needed for delivery.

Payment Options

We accept all major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express) and PayPal for flower deliveries in Lakewood and throughout Ocean County.

Substitutions and Seasonal Availability

Due to seasonal availability in New Jersey, flower substitutions may sometimes be necessary. If you prefer exact flowers as pictured, please allow our Lakewood florists 2 days' notice to source specific blooms.

Additional Gift Items

Beyond flowers, we offer gift baskets, balloons, chocolates, and teddy bears for delivery in Lakewood. These make perfect additions to any floral arrangement.

Refund Policy

If you're not satisfied with your Lakewood delivery, contact us within 24 hours. Refund processing typically takes 2-10 business days to appear on your credit card statement.

Contact Information

For questions about your Lakewood flower delivery or to make changes to your order, call us at (800) 946-5457 or email [email protected].