
Featured Bouquets

Expert Local Florist Delivery

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Lily’s Florist Fargo  

Do you want to unlock the mysteries of someone’s heart? There is no other way but to know them better. Be familiar with as deep as their thoughts, their experiences, their pain; you can  even discover what their favorite flowers are.  

Is it Peonies, Asters, Carnations, Daisies, or Roses? Whatever kind of blooms they might like, you are sure to find it here at LILY’S FLORIST FARGO, and you are going to get more than that.  

Here at Lily’s Florist Fargo, charming flowers are handmade into delightful bouquets that can be send on any occasion, joyful or solemn. Be honored to be served by the master florists of Fargo when they deliver the bouquet to your front door on the same day. We make you happy with flowers while making sure that our delivery is safe for both you and our florists.  

Artistic flower gifts to send to your friends and family in Fargo  

Do you want to do something different? When you are used to giving materials gifts like jewelries, clothes, even food – you get stuck in a routine and maybe too much repetition might lead to relationship problems.  

Allow our florists to help you. Breathe some fresh air when you put flowers in your daily habit. A simple purchase of a daisy bouquet in the morning can have a big impact on how your day will go. Waking up to something pleasant surely sets the mood for the rest of the day. It could be the same for the people you care about.  

A bouquet of peach roses can ease a friend’s anxiety.  

A bouquet of white lilies can bring back a loving memory of a dearly departed.  

A bouquet of red daisies can signify one’s truest emotions.  

A bouquet of sunflowers can begin friendships.  

There are so many positive things that can happen when you send flowers, more so if you send it on the same day.  

Send or receive flowers through Lily’s Florist Fargo on the same day once you order from our website prior the cut-off period of 2 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and 10 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.  

Lily’s Florist Fargo Bouquet on the Spotlight  

Blush Bouquet is a floral masterpiece made of assorted fresh and scented blooms of roses and lilies and accents of greenery.  

Send this to someone you want to know better, it will signal friendship and affection at first and maybe continue to something deeper.   
