
Delivery to
Brentwood CA

Surprise your loved one with same-day flower delivery from Lily's Florist Brentwood, CA. Offering over a hundred floral arrangements, including options with chocolates or balloons, Lily's Florist provides flowers for all occasions, from birthdays to hospital stays. Our service extends to local medical centers, ensuring well-wishes reach patients at places like John Muir Health and Kaiser Permanente. Handcrafted by expert Brentwood florists, our bouquets feature fresh, vibrant blooms. Same-day delivery is available for orders placed by 1:00 PM on weekdays and 10:00 AM on Saturdays. Shop for flowers online to Brentwood or by calling our staff now on 800 946-5457.

Lily's Florist Delivery To Brentwood

Brighten Their Day With Flowers By Lily's Florist

Wow your significant other with a flower gift she never expects! Today’s the perfect time to give your loved one a nice little surprise. Don’t wait for her birthday or for Valentine’s Day to get her flowers. Let her know today that she’s special and so very loved by sending a for-no-reason bouquet. Your “just because” flower gift is guaranteed to bring a smile not just to her face but also to her heart. Order flowers online at Lily’s Florist Brentwood for dreamy flower arrangements perfect as surprise flower gifts.

Brentwood CA Florists

We have over a hundred flower gift options so there’s certainly one that will match your needs. Whether you’re looking for an intense and brilliant mixed flower arrangement or one that’s soothing and comforting in its monochromatic design, you’ll find the best floral designs right here. We also have potted plants and lush foliage set on a basket and ready for display. Do you need a bouquet with chocolates? Birthday flowers with balloons? A hospital-friendly get-well flower arrangement?

Lily's Florist provides thoughtful and comforting flower delivery services to hospitals and medical centers in Brentwood, CA, ensuring your well-wishes reach your loved ones during their hospital stays. We deliver to:

  1. John Muir Health Urgent Care Center in Brentwood, CA 94513, where we help convey your care and support to patients and staff.
  2. Sutter Delta Medical Center in Brentwood, CA 94513, brightening rooms and spirits with our beautiful bouquets.
  3. Kaiser Permanente Antioch Medical Center in Brentwood, CA, where our flowers bring joy and comfort to patients and healthcare professionals.
  4. Brentwood Care Center (Sutter Health) at 350 John Muir Parkway, Brentwood, CA, 94513, providing a touch of nature and cheer to patients and their families.
  5. Brentwood Pediatric Specialty Clinics (UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals) in Brentwood, CA, where our flowers offer a sense of warmth and thoughtfulness to young patients and their caregivers.

Our flower delivery service to Brentwood CA ensures that your floral gestures of support, encouragement, and love reach the intended recipients, contributing to a brighter, more positive healing environment. View our Hospital Flowers.

Browse our online flower store and find a wide variety of fresh flower gifts that you can send to your loved ones to celebrate every occasion and to communicate every sentiment.

Brentwood CA Florists

Birthday Flower Delivery To Brentwood

Our flowers are meticulously prepared by hand by florists who put their heart into what they do. Using their knowledge of the fundamentals in flower arranging and the language of flowers, our florists are able to craft uncommon and unparalleled floral arrangements. Shop today and discover the extraordinary beauty of our floral creations.

Every floral ensemble that we deliver is filled with only the freshest blooms and foliage. Expect fresh flowers with flawless petals and sturdy stems. Expect a bouquet with the right balance and the perfect rhythm. Your loved one will receive a flower gift that will not just look good on her bedside table but will also warm her heart every time she sees it.

Birthday Flower Delivery To Brentwood

Best Flower Delivery To Brentwood

Place an order right now and let us deliver your floral gift to your loved one in Brentwood on the same day of your purchase. Our Monday to Friday same-day delivery applies to flower orders checked out before 1:00 PM. We also offer same-day delivery during Saturdays for orders placed before 10:00 AM.

Lily’s Florist Brentwood delivers flower arrangements, bouquets, roses with chocolates, birthday blooms, potted plants, and gift baskets to residential and business addresses in Brentwood, CA. 

Best Flower Delivery To Brentwood

A Lilttle About Brentwood, California

Brentwood, California, is a city in Contra Costa County, located in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area. With a population of 66,854 as of 2022, Brentwood has experienced significant growth over the years. The city is known for its agricultural products, particularly cherries, corn, and peaches. While historically an agricultural community, urban sprawl has led to the replacement of many farms and orchards with suburban developments since 1990. Brentwood offers a residential environment with a triple-digit population growth rate in the 1990s and a 69% increase from 2000 to 2010. The city's landscape features rolling hills, oak trees, fruit orchards, vineyards, and public golf courses. Brentwood's climate borders on Mediterranean and semi-arid, with less rainfall than neighboring areas due to its location in the rain shadow of Mt. Diablo